Food For Thought

Okay lately I have been trying to make sense of the degree I am pursuing. For one I wasted an entire day listening to meaningless TED Talks which kept on reinforcing the belief that it’s not enough that you are good at something you need to be great at that particular thing.

The same talks went on to explain that it’s also not enough that you are interested in X number of things because you can be interested in X number of girls but there’s only one you are going to be passionate about. And you figure out that that’s all that really matters.


And as I stand in front of a whiteboard listing down twenty things then crossing out nineteen of them one after the other I still can’t prioritize and I try to figure out what am I doing with my life?

All the business courses that I am taking in college what are they going to be worth in say ten years time. I don’t want to be like the guys who were in the railroads business and when the automobile came they kept saying “But dude that’s an automobile we are a giant fucking corporation that connects far off places” And boy did they have it wrong. Because it wasn’t a question of railroads and automobiles they were part of the same ecosystem they were in the travel business and eventually that screwed their happiness.

So I decided today that I am going to be as open minded as I can be about everything that comes my way. From football startups to virtual currencies to big data to hedge funds to pure quizzing. I am not going to question the validity of ideas and instead try and explore them and figure if any of it is worth it.

And as I am trying to do away with my deviant art account I will start posting random stuff including artwork whether it fits in here or not.

So here’s food for thought for me and for whoever is reading this damn thing because in all honesty I wouldn’t have the patience to read the entire thing.

Years down the line

What will you remember my immortal mind?

Will it be the travels you never undertook

Or the great hands that you never shook

Will it be the time you never wasted

Or the food you never tasted

Will it be the love you let go

Or the feelings you never let show

Will it be the people you wished you had met

Or the record that you could have set

Will it be the millions that you didn’t earn

Or the cars for which your heart yearned

Will it be the journey of life you didn’t take

Or those sad truths which you couldn’t fake

Will it be the destiny that you cursed

Or this life’s debt in which you immersed

You my mortal mind

Are as dead as a living soul

With no hope, no life, no goal

I ask you my mortal mind

Years down the line

What will you remember when you rewind?


Now read this

Greed is Good

It’s been 27 years since Wall Street first hit theatres, but today more than ever Gordon Gekko’s words ring true in our ears. His iconic speech when he is about to take over Teldar paper serves as a reminder of how money centric society... Continue →