udit sabharwal

Thinker. Quizzer. Movie Buff. Entrepreneur. Book lover. Delhi-wallah. Final year student of finance at SSCBS.

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The Present

It’s been a long time since I wrote on this blog. For starters, Robin Williams and Richard Attenborough both of whom have had a significant impact on my life through their films are no longer going to light up the silver screen.

Secondly, the ALS Ice bucket Challenge has driven the internet crazy driving everyone from people in remote areas in Timbuktu to prominent presidents and celebrities undertaking the challenge.

And Thirdly, I went to visit my school attending the Columban Open Quiz and was overpowered by nostalgia in a manner that I had never felt before.

So what is the point of this entire article?

I think it’s about trying to figure out something. As of now while writing this I am not certain what it is, but hopefully by the end of this article I would have something tangible.


The three things that have happened since the time that I last wrote on this blog have got...

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The Bucket List

Years down the line

What will you remember my immortal mind?

Will it be the travels you never undertook

Or the great hands that you never shook

Will it be the time you never wasted

Or the food you never tasted

Will it be the love you let go

Or the feelings you never let show

Will it be the people you wished you had met

Or the record that you could have set

Will it be the millions that you didn’t earn

Or the cars for which your heart yearned

Will it be the journey of life you didn’t take

Or those sad truths which you couldn’t fake

Will it be the destiny that you cursed

Or this life’s debt in which you immersed

You my mortal mind

Are as dead as a living soul

With no hope, no life, no goal

I ask you my mortal mind

Years down the line

What will you remember when you rewind?

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Why Retail is Dead.

To tell you the truth I think this is something that has long been established. But people specially those with the old school mindset are finding this extremely difficult to believe.

They argue stating that

  1. Amazon’s revenue might be increasing but it’s profit has been diminishing.

  2. Most of the current e-commerce companies are still in their honeymoon period with their venture capitalists and manage to find newer girlfriends when the old one runs out of money and some day that money will run out. Case in point, Flipkart.

  3. People still want a touch and feel experience and wish to get out of their house and try things before they go out and buy them

  4. Not everything is available online.

Let’s get this straight if you were born post the nineteen nineties then you aren’t going to believe any of the arguments given above primarily because they will not uphold if you were to go online.


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Just Allen

Honestly I tried writing this entire post yesterday but I managed to delete the entire article somehow and hadn’t saved a draft. So I have created it from scratch and while it hasn’t come out as what I had intended it yesterday I think it still manages to come close.


Over the course of the past forty eight hours I have been watching Woody Allen documentaries, revisiting some of his older films, reading some of his short stories and trying to look beyond the surface of this genius.

My love for Woody Allen started when I was about sixteen. I was a hopeless teenager in search of love, the meaning of life and existentialism and laughs all of which undoubtedly are explored in each and every one of Allen’s films.

I had a brief stint with Allen’s films bringing myself to watch two of his more mainstream works - Annie Hall and Manhattan. The two propelled me to admire this man and the...

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Greed is Good

It’s been 27 years since Wall Street first hit theatres, but today more than ever Gordon Gekko’s words ring true in our ears. His iconic speech when he is about to take over Teldar paper serves as a reminder of how money centric society has become.

For those of you who have not watched the film I would suggest you to get out of your caves and go to your local video store and rent the film immediately. Still here’s the entire speech if you are too lazy to get up and go for a walk.


It’s ironic as to what we have come to.

Society judges a man not by the intellect and thought process or his character but by the jingling of money in his pockets.

The days of wisdom have come to pass and men are judged not by who they are or what they stand for but by the people who stand by them and the cars they drive,the gadgets they own, the companies they buy, the yachts they own and the people they...

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Why Warren Buffett loves Coke

We have heard it over the years and seen it in his stock picks over the years too. His reasoning has been rather simple when it comes to buying Coca -Cola’s stock but the fact of the matter is that are we sure that Warren Buffett’s really buying coke for that very reason?

Warren Buffett’s romance with coca cola starts way back in 1988 when the company stock traded at a discount which ranged from 24% to 41% with the share price ranging from anywhere between 35$ to 45$.

Everyone at Wall Street was of the opinion that Coke trading at an annual growth rate of 18% was bound to fall and that eventually the stock price would break even and that would be the idle time to pick up the stock. However, Warren Buffett a hardcore fan of Benjamin Graham and an ardent follower of the Security Analysis methodology thought otherwise and took to the stock rather rashly.


Why? It’s because he thought...

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Opportunity Cost and the paradox

There’s an economic term called Opportunity Cost which is self explanatory in itself.

But just for a quick introduction let’s say you need to choose between buying 2 Mc Aloo Tikkis for say 50 vs 1 Mc Veggie for the same amount. The dilemma here is that you need to choose between buying two inferior burgers for the same amount versus buying one superior burger for the same amount.

This in the gist of it and is the narrow definition of opportunity cost which you and I apply in our everyday lives without even realizing it.

So the question is that where does the paradox lie? Well for starters let’s say that you want to buy an Adidas sweatshirt and it is for around 1000 rupees. And there’s this thing in the back of your head which says ‘yeah sure I can buy that for 1000 rupees but in a month’s time most likely it’s going to be going for much less’.

And you let go of that shirt for a...

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Have we changed the definition of the word entrepreneur?

There’s this sudden craze all around. Everyone wants to suddenly leave their job and do the unconventional. Everyone imagines that in the very first try they are going to set up the next Facebook, Apple or Google.

Almost every second person things he or she is going to create a business, scale it and eventually sell it for millions.

The point being most of us today have started to link entrepreneurship to a quick fix solution to our long term wealth problem.

What right does one have to call himself/herself an entrepreneur if their sole purpose is to make money. They are capitalists at best. But entrepreneurs?

Hell no.

What right does a person who jumps from one business idea to another without successful execution of even a single idea have to call himself/herself an entrepreneur?


What right does a person who simply copies the business model of another have the right to call...

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What’s with all the noise

The Internet has suddenly exploded with websites that for some strange reason are all using wordpress as a CMS and trying to create pop culture centric content.

In all honesty I had planned to do something similar but looking at the sheer amount of content that was already on the internet I felt that it was better to look for more niche content.

But here’s my issue with all of these so called POP CULTURE websites. They have no, absolutely no value addition to the person who is reading them.

Nothing against these websites because they often go on to provide you your daily dose of humor and on occasion can be pretty enlightening also but that’s it. Those occasions are once in a blue moon occurrences.

What these websites effectively do is tap in on the Gold Fish syndrome. (I just invented that).


Studies show that the average human has an attention span of less than seven seconds on...

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Here’s to the Crazy One.

I had never heard of the guy till the time he came out with the ipod and boom it was all a huge roller coaster ride from there.

I had seen a Macintosh one that had been imported from the United States by a friend’s father who worked in a multinational and I hadn’t found it all that mesmerizing. Perhaps it was one that had been created when Steve Jobs had left Apple and was out creating Next and Pixar.

I have been an ardent follower of the man. Having read his biography and watched multiple documentaries on him. He seems to come across as an eccentric person who was a dreamer. When you hear people talk of him they will most certainly mention his reality distortion field whereby he lived in a world of his own.

I have learnt from him the importance of design and how essential it is to any product. The importance of making every single corner, every edge smooth. A skill he in all...

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