udit sabharwal

Thinker. Quizzer. Movie Buff. Entrepreneur. Book lover. Delhi-wallah. Final year student of finance at SSCBS.

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Why Social Media Marketing is not the same.

Two years ago if you would have asked anyone how effective social media was in terms of return on investments people would have given a shout out saying that it’s the best thing that had happened since the invention of the television.

Fast forward and I think the scene has changed considerably. Fighting for Click through rates has become the norm. Engagement is perhaps at it’s lowest levels and people are trying to get off social and into the real world.

All said it’s an exciting time as Twitter and Instagram are playing around with advertisements for their respective platforms and that day isn’t far when Snapchat and Whatsapp will be integrating advertisements into their platforms as well.

The issue with all of this is that every single platform with it’s own share of ad spend creates a sort of bubble. Because a lot many users would choose to engage with a brand on one platform only...

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Why we need to redefine search NOW

Before you start reading this do me a favor, save yourself the convincing and head over to your favorite search engine. Wait. Is it Google. Brilliant.

Now search for something, anything at all.

Done? That was fast. It took .00001 something seconds for that result to turn up. That’s perfect right. But wait what is the search result indicative of? In all likelihood the search asks you to redirect to a Wikipedia page.

So what you have done in essence is that you are the baboon who things that the shortest route in a triangle is not the hypotenuse but the other two sides since the hypotenuse is the longest.


If you did not get the above I would suggest that you go back to your elementary math books and try and understand what that means.

But coming back to the essential question. Why do we need to redefine search?

In essence Google is acting like a broker and it is not in...

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5 Things I learnt from starting Up

1. It takes balls to start up

When I had heard seniors, colleagues and other entrepreneurs to say it I thought they were kidding around. How hard could it be? One month into it and I was convinced that I wasn’t going anywhere with this piece of crap . Sticking in when you are at your lowest is the most difficult of tasks.

2. Million Dollar Ideas don’t necessarily make you a million dollars

Assuming that I had a crazy ass idea of providing a particular service at one fourth of the market cost I along with my fellow co founders hoped we would be making a million dollars in no time. Contrary to that we hadn’t even had our first client till two months were up.

3. Master of One Trade

As a start up and a twenty year old with people your same age you feel - fuck the world, we can do a million things. So we drew up a list that contained nearly twenty offerings. Funny as it may be our...

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The Jazz Chronicles and Why I really need to write it

Talk to any Woody Allen fan and he will go on about how he is the most funny, witty and sarcastic director ever. Watch his films and you fall in love with the man. It starts somewhere back with Annie Hall for me and weaves it’s way as a multi layered cloth with films such as Manhattan (My personal favourite), Scoop, Vicky Christina Barcelona and Midnight in Paris. While the skeptics may argue that these are some of Allen’s most prominent and mainstream films and do not truly project his art as a director I believe that for the purpose of this article the above mentioned films meet the needs.

To some the title of this article may seem misleading but that is not the case. For no one makes the case for Jazz like Woody Allen. A lover of this form of music himself he has his own jazz band. To those of you who do not know there is a much talked about film on the origin of Jazz and Blues Music...

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Because people are stupid.

Yes. Enough said. Do not read beyond this point.
Yesterday was a life changing experience for me.
I managed to successfully watch first hand as a team answered every question in a quiz and the organizers were naive enough not to notice that someone from their team had managed to rig the quiz.
If that’s not enough there was a cash prize only for the winners. So hallelujah to that.
If that’s not bad enough guess what happens when you get tied and there’s a tie breaker after two hours of convincing a team of baboons the difference between Patni and Igate.
For starters, the questions that are going to get asked are going to be from a pool of unasked questions in the quiz. Anyone in their right mind can easily figure out that if they know all the answers to the questions in the main quiz they would have easily had access to the remainder of the questions as well.
Eventually I was...

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The Dark Internet

In all honesty it sounds fancy as shit when I write something like that. But here’s the real truth. I don’t know what in god’s name is The Dark Internet. And the remainder of this blog post is my attempt to try and uncover it.

I was first introduced to the concept of the Dark Internet back in the 10th grade when my friends were on a torrent downloading blitzkrieg as everyone had a new fad of watching movies. That fad is yet to get over though the torrent downloading has been done away with.

Back then the speeds on offer were somewhere around 30 kbps and downloading a movie took an entire night. A friend of mine told me that there were websites and sectors of the internet where people who had the capability to download in GB’s and I stared at his face. For the remainder of that conversation I watched as four people including me took the poor guy’s case.

Even today the concept of...

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Food For Thought

Okay lately I have been trying to make sense of the degree I am pursuing. For one I wasted an entire day listening to meaningless TED Talks which kept on reinforcing the belief that it’s not enough that you are good at something you need to be great at that particular thing.

The same talks went on to explain that it’s also not enough that you are interested in X number of things because you can be interested in X number of girls but there’s only one you are going to be passionate about. And you figure out that that’s all that really matters.


And as I stand in front of a whiteboard listing down twenty things then crossing out nineteen of them one after the other I still can’t prioritize and I try to figure out what am I doing with my life?

All the business courses that I am taking in college what are they going to be worth in say ten years time. I don’t want to be like the...

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Love and other things.

It was back in the 12th grade when I came up with this. Recently I have been in full to nostalgia mode and I have been trying to find a gateway to the past. These include all the films that I watched which were more often than not were directed or written by John Hughes, the music that I listened to and still listen to a major chunk of which are Beatles albums and a lot of books I read which were a mix of Indian authors and Nick Hornby for some strange reason. High Fidelity, A long way down and Fever Pitch are still crystal clear in my memory. All that said I ended up writing this poem in Hindi randomly out of the blue. So here goes nothing.

नन्ही सी कलियाँ खिलने लगी हैं

प्रेम का सागर भरने लगा हैं

जरा हमे भी बताओ ये क्या होने लगा हैं ?

आकाश के तारे जरा टिमटिमा रहे हैं

प्रेम की नदियाँ बहने लगी हैं

जरा हमे भी बताओ ये क्या होने लगा हैं ?

चिड़ियों की चहक से प्यार होने लगा हैं


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Why Quizzing is important to me.

I was first introduced to the wonderful world of quizzing in the 4th grade where I struggled to answer questions as my teammates went all out answering seemingly simple questions which I had no answer to.

The immediate outcome of this was a feeling of loss of self confidence and a desire to consume knowledge.

Fast forward a few years and the 11th and 12th grade saw this passion explode as my team managed to make it to the Semi Finals of the Columban Open Quiz. (For the uninitiated it’s the most coveted quiz for school students in the Northern Region). And thus began my romance with quizzing.
College happened and the passion fueled to a whole new level as I got the opportunity to host a few quizzes here and there. In all honesty the feeling of telling people that you are supreme is one of the best feelings in the world.

Lately, Quizzing has been all about making it to the finals and...

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Why Now?

The questions shouldn’t be Why Now rather it should be Why Not Now?. When I really started to put my mind to it I thought this is perhaps the perfect time. The world is abuzz with newer websites where people are looking to create engaging content and get people on board. I for one am of the opinion that if in some parallel universe I ever had the choice I would choose to become an author and live life like Salinger perhaps.

Salinger Photo 5 (c public domain).JPG

My biggest issue with the world is that people don’t read anymore. And while that makes me sad perhaps this is my attempt to just put out my thoughts on a canvas and try and make sense of all the chaos in the world.

Cheerio for now. Perhaps this is the start of something truly beautiful.

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